Brighten my day

Photo: Amy Mortimer


Well yesterday started out a little weird. I got some work accomplished. Fannied around with some financials that didn’t add up (so I decided it was best to pass it along to a real accountant). Worked out. Cleaned up the balcony. Soaked up the sun. Ate dinner at 10pm but totally brought it (veg shepherd’s pie was so good!). And there were some wonderful things that brightened my day….

These genius tags made me laugh out loud. We all know that none of us are wine aficionados so let’s not pretend, shall we?

Found out that this is in the mail and on its way to me. It’s not that I need something around my neck to remind me that I am “loved” but it makes me smile just thinking about it. And I am all for more smiles.

Love how this is described as ‘music for an eternal springtime’. I could smell the springtime yesterday afternoon. Now all it needs is a soundtrack. Done!

By far the best thing I discovered yesterday is this. Unbelievable inspiration that came at just the right moment. AWEsome.

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